Fresh Juice daily blender

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Fruit help your body heathy

Enjoy the natural goodness of fruits—a vibrant source of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants—to nourish your body and support overall health

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Saving Money

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Brewing your own drinks at home not only saves $10-15 with each purchase, but it's also a savvy way to stretch your budget while relishing your favorite beverages. As Asians, we understand the value of smart spending

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Life Style

We knew you love Animals

We're one of a thousand methods to support your lifestyle choices, embracing diversity and offering options that resonate with your unique journey
We share your love for animals, and like you, we prioritize natural, plant-based meals in our daily diet to connect with nature and uplift our mental well-being

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Prioritize hygiene when preparing baby food

Always prioritize hygiene, especially when using a private blender to prepare baby food, ensuring your little one's safety and well-being
our blender not only helps with your daily juice but also can do some daily work to make food for your little baby

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Frequently asked questions

How do portable blenders work?

Our portable blender typically operate using a rechargeable battery or USB power source. It features a motor and blades inside a blending container. When activated, the motor spins the blades, blending the ingredients inside the container into a smooth consistency.

Can they blend ice and frozen fruit?

Yes, They are capable of blending ice and frozen fruits. However, it's essential to check the specifications of the blender to ensure it has sufficient power and sharp blades for crushing ice effectively.

How long does the battery last on the blender?

The battery life of a portable blender varies depending on factors such as the capacity of the battery(1400mAh), the power consumption of the blender, and the blending duration. On average, a fully charged battery can last for several blends or up to a few hours of continuous use.It will help you to use daily at leat 3-4 day per full battery charge .

Can I blend solid ingredients like nuts and seeds in a portable blender?

Yes, They can blend solid ingredients like nuts and seeds. However, it's recommended to chop large or hard ingredients into smaller pieces before blending to prevent strain on the blender's motor and blades.

Can i use the blender to blend hot liquids?

It's not recommended to blend hot liquids in a portable blender, as the steam and pressure from hot liquids can cause the blending container to expand and potentially damage the blender. It's best to let hot liquids cool down before blending them.

Are portable blenders suitable for making baby food?

Yes, portable blenders are convenient for making baby food, as they allow you to blend fresh fruits, vegetables, and other ingredients into smooth purees. Make sure to clean the blender thoroughly between uses, especially if blending ingredients for infants.

Are they easy to clean?

Yes, Our portable blenders are designed for easy cleaning. The blending container and blades are often detachable and dishwasher safe. Alternatively, you can rinse them with water and soap for quick cleaning.